#39;contactsBrad Cable#39; SQL Table Maps

EpikFail Leaked Anonymize.com 'contacts' SQL Table Maps


The EpikFail breach has a contacts database table for Anonymize.com that can be extracted with country codes to map via the following.


zcat EpikFail/sql/epik_anonymize.sql.gz | \
    grep -A18 "CREATE TABLE .contacts" | \
    tail -n 18 | \
    sed -r "s/^[\t ]+.([^ ]+). .*$/\1/g" | \
    tr "\n" "," | \
    sed -r "s/,$/\n/g" > contacts.csv

zcat EpikFail/sql/epik_anonymize.sql.gz | \
    grep -E "INSERT INTO .contacts" | \
    sed -r "s/\),\(/\n/g" | \
    sed -r "s/^INSERT INTO .* VALUES \(//g" | \
    sed -r "s/\);$//g" | \
    sed "s/\\\'//g" >> contacts.csv

Load Data Into R

## Loading required package: maps
state_codes <- read.csv("shared/state_codes.csv")
contacts <- read.csv("contacts.csv", sep=",", quote="'")
contacts[contacts$country == "NOT AVAILABLE" | contacts$country == "n/a" | contacts$country == 'e' | contacts$country == 'o',] <- NA
contacts$country[contacts$country == "0000"] <- "US"
contacts$country[contacts$country == "Italia"] <- "IT"
contacts$country[contacts$country == "KOREA"] <- "KR"
contacts$country[contacts$country == "Niedersachsen"] <- "DE"
contact_countries <- country_code_cleanup(contacts$country)
write.csv(contact_countries, "contact_countries.csv", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)

USA has 19803 entries, which scales too high… scaling down for visibility.

contact_countries$Count[contact_countries$Country == "USA"] <- 1000
contact_states <- contacts$state[contacts$country == "US" & contacts$state != "" & contacts$state != "*" & contacts$state != "NULL" & contacts$state != "Not Applicable" & contacts$state != "Private" & contacts$state != "USVI" & contacts$state != "Grand Cayman"]
contact_states <- tolower(contact_states)
contact_states[contact_states == "california"] <- "ca"
contact_states[contact_states == "florida"] <- "fl"
contact_states[contact_states == "illinois"] <- "il"
contact_states[contact_states == "kansas"] <- "ks"
contact_states[contact_states == "maryland"] <- "md"
contact_states[contact_states == "nevada"] <- "nv"
contact_states[contact_states == "new hampshire"] <- "nh"
contact_states[contact_states == "new jersey"] <- "nj"
contact_states[contact_states == "new york"] <- "ny"
contact_states[contact_states == "north carolina"] <- "nc"
contact_states[contact_states == "texas"] <- "tx"
contact_states[contact_states == "washington"] <- "wa"
contact_states <- substr(contact_states, 0, 2)
contact_states <- as.data.frame(table(contact_states))
names(contact_states) <- c("State.Code", "Frequency")
write.csv(contact_states, "contact_states.csv", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)

Washington State has 13756 entries, scaling this down as well.

contact_states$Frequency[contact_states$State.Code == "wa"] <- 2000
contact_states <- merge(contact_states, state_codes)

World Map

g <- world_mapper(contact_countries)
g <- g + labs(
    title="EpikFail Leaked Anonymize.com 'contacts' SQL Table by Country",
    fill="Contact Count\n(US Scaled Down)\n", x="", y=""
g <- g + scale_fill_continuous(low="#300000", high="#E00000", guide="colorbar")
g <- g + theme(plot.title = element_text(face="bold", size=22))

plot of chunk world_map

US States Map

g <- ggplot(contact_states, aes(map_id=State.Name))
g <- g + ggtitle("EpikFail Leaked Anonymize.com 'contacts' SQL Table by US State")
g <- g + geom_map(aes(fill=Frequency), map=fifty_states)
g <- g + expand_limits(x=fifty_states$long, y=fifty_states$lat)
g <- g + scale_x_continuous(breaks=NULL) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=NULL)
g <- g + scale_fill_continuous(low="#300000", high="#E00000", guide="colorbar")
g <- g + xlab("") + ylab("") + theme(
    plot.title = element_text(
        face="bold", size=22,
        margin=margin(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, "cm"), debug=FALSE

plot of chunk state_map